Our custom approach to PID tuning
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Our custom approach to PID tuning
Last updated
More content soon. TLDR: if you have the kV and kA feedforward values. we can use that as a model for our system.
Then, we solve for the poles of the system. After some math, we arrive at the following:
This will guarantee a critically damped PID response for a PD controller, given an arbitrary choice of Kp
It is recommended that the following inequality is true:
Otherwise, Kd will be negative and you get a scary non-minimum phase system.
A Critically damped system is not necessarily the fastest possible response, sometimes you are okay with a bit of overshoot. This modified version of the SMARTDAMP algorithm allows you to specify a percent overshoot in addition to your proportional gain to give you your optimal choice for Kd
where Zeta is our dampening ratio.
We can find zeta using the following equation given PO (Percent overshoot)